Thursday, March 6, 2014

قصة الليزر بالانجليزيه

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 
تاريخ الليزر 
The theoretical fundamental principles of the stimulated emission and the quantum-mechanical fundamental principles of the laser have been developed by Einstein in the beginning of last century. However, it took more than 40 years till the development of the first ruby laser took place in the Hughes Research Laboratories. The following years were characterised by a rapid development of the laser technology. Already in 1970, and especially with the availability of high-power lasers in the beginning of the Eighties, CO2 and solid-state lasers are used in material processing. In the following, a short introduction about the development of the laser and/or the laser market in Germany is given
ترجمه بسيطه له بلعربي

المبادئ الأساسية النظرية للإشعاعِ المُحَفَّزِ والمبادئِ الميكانيكية الكميةِ الأساسيةِ لليزرِ طُوّرا مِن قِبل آينشتاين في بِداية القرن الماضي. على أية حال، أَخذَ أكثر مِنْ 40 سنة حتى تطويرِ الليزرِ الياقوتيِ الأولِ حَدثتْ في مختبراتِ بحثِ هيوز. السنوات التالية مُيّزتْ مِن قِبل a تطوير سريع مِنْ تقنيةِ الليزرَ. في 1970، وخصوصاً بتوفرِ الليزرِ العاليِ الكهربائيِ في بِداية آيغتيس، شركاء 2 وليزر حالة صلبةِ مستعمل في المعالجة الماديةِ. في التاليِ , a مقدمة قصيرة حول تطويرِ الليزرِ و/ أَو سوق الليزرَ في ألمانيا مُعطيةُ:

الملخص عن تواريخ تطور الليزر 

1917: With his postulate about the stimulated emission, Einstein creates the theoretical fundamental principles in 1917
1928: In 1928, for the first time, Kopfermann and Ladenburg delivered proof for the stimulated emission by experiment
1950: Elaboration of the physical fundamentals and suggestions for the realisation of a maser (microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) by Towens, Prokhorov and Basov
1954: Construction of the first maser
1960: Construction of the first ruby laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation), model development for the application of other laser mediae (HeNe, CO2, inert gases)
1961: Construction of the first HeNe laser and Nd-glass solid state laser
1962: Development of the first semiconductor lasers
1964: Nobel prize for Towens, Prokhorov and Basov for their works in the field of the maser; construction of the first

Nd:YAG solid-state laser and CO2 gas laser
1968: Laser emission on organic dyes proven
1970: Initial operation of the first excimer laser
since 1970: Increased application of CO2 and solid state laser technology in the industry
since 1975: first applications of laser beam cutting in the sheet-fabricating industry
1979: In 1979, on the occasion of the European Tool Machine Exhibition in Milan, TRUMPF introduces the first punching laser machine
1981: German manufacturers start developing laser systems
1983: 1 kW CO2 lasers are introduced to the market
since 1984: First applications of laser beam welding in industrial series production
1985: Introduction of the fibre optic cable in solid state lasers for material processing

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